A mile southwest of the Octagon House was once the thriving industrial community of Holston Mills (pictured below), established and owned by the Thomas family. Large woolen mills, sawmills, grist mills, stores and factories, provided employment and goods for the local populace. In addition to his mills, Abijah established an iron foundry and tannery south of the county of Marion. Profitable and productive, all were running at full capacity as war approached. Within four years only the town of Holston Mills remained intact, but the mills were shuttered and closed. The iron foundry and tannery, destroyed in the Battle of Marion in December of 1864, were never rebuilt. Abijah's attempts to reopen the woolen mills and establish new industry were fruitless. Within a few years, all evidence of this pre-war industrial empire was no more, empty shuttered buildings fell to neglect and desolation leaving only ruins and memories today. Follow this link to the Historical Marker Database for more information: https://hmdb.org/m.asp?m=209874